Targeting High Quality, Vestige Free Products?

In the modern era of injection moulding, tool makers are designing systems that are heavily influenced by the requirements from both moulders and consumers.

Moulders are looking for extremely reliable hot runner solutions that deliver short cycle times, precise cavity-to-cavity conformity and consistent production of high quality products.

Consumers are spending more time researching and comparing products before purchasing, often demanding products with exceptional surface quality, high visual appeal and long-life functionality.

In order to achieve the stringent demands of markets like Personal Care and Medical, the solution of choice is typically one involving Valve Gate technology.

Valve Gate systems are the optimal solution for eliminating gate vestige, consistently producing fast cycle times with parts of exceptional surface quality.

Mastip offers a wide range of valve gated solutions, suitable for any application.


Click on the following link to see our latest solutions for Valve Gate Systems.

Download a Copy of Our Latest Valve Gate Technology


Mastip in Focus - Valve Gates.pdf